“But it is, nonetheless, crucial to pursue the science aggressively, because we need to anticipate and deal with future problems that we haven’t yet recognized”
The Earth is warming. This is not a debate. Climate change deniers scoff at these climatic anomalies, and testify that it is simply a ploy to mandate a carbon tax on their poor little bank accounts. However, amongst scientists, (you know, the people who wrote the books on climate) this is not a debate. We share and read each other’s work meticulously and if the methods carried out in a publication are biased, the paper doesn’t become published. It’s something called peer review, and it’s a tedious, slow process that limits the amount of papers you can put out, but ensures the science is sound. If a few scientists published a valid paper that disproved the climate was changing, or was changing because of non-human interferences, they would be rock stars overnight. It would probably become the most cited paper ever and would initiate new research around the world. Scientists are human too, so this spotlight quite understandably would be pretty sweet. With this enticement to become an instant public figure, why hasn’t research gone down this path to support climate denial? Because that’s not how science works. We work together, spending money, time, and frustration so we can build on our knowledge-so we can deal with these future problems we haven’t recognized yet. The veil of ignorance emerging in today's culture is as alarming as it is mystifying. Denying science, is like reading news you don’t agree with and claiming the source as fake news. If we deny science, we forfeit our land, water and air to the capitalist machine.